Saturday, August 11, 2012


It's very strange to note that a sense of time or a sense of distance is so dependent on where you're living. I know a lot of americans will think nothing of driving a couple of hours for a family visit, or even more than a couple of hours. Here it's not done. Or maybe I should say, it's not something that I do often.

This week was a bit of an exception. Not that I suddenly decided to drive to another country, but I did take the initiative to drive a little beyond what I usually do.
Wednesday I went to the camping I mentioned in my last post, which was an hours drive (really, what are we talking about!!). Yesterday brought me to a pretty amazing sauna in Bleiswijk, close to Rotterdam. If I include picking up my friend at her home in Utrecht, it made the trip an astounding hour and a half.  All of this left me feeling quite the worldly traveller. Pretty ridiculous, isn't it?
I keep forgetting that Holland is so small, and that distance is so relative. I've been thinking about going to an international church in Amersfoort which is 36 minutes away, according to the travel planner. But the fact that I pass by approximately 3 towns before I get there makes it feel far away. And it really is three towns that I travel past, not three suburbs!
The challenge for me is to keep remembering distance is relative and not to let kilometers get in the way of making good and  fun plans.

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